Learn How To Make A Home Remedy For Muscle Pain

Tired of spending money at the pharmacy with medicine for muscle pain? Learn a homemade recipe and avoid harmful chemicals

Did you decide to change your habits and have a healthy routine? Great, but going around wanting to run 10 km right away might not be a very good idea. It is important to measure the amount of physical exercises that your body can handle and gradually increase the training load, as you resume or pick up the pace. Even if you have consulted a health professional or a physical trainer, the rust accumulated in years of sedentary lifestyle can cause minor injuries.

Even if you train regularly, it is common to experience some muscle soreness from time to time – and don’t worry, at a light level it is normal! To alleviate the hassle of post-workout or to help you resume an exercise routine, it can be useful to know how to make your own medicine for muscle pain

The drugs pharmacy, as well as expensive, contain chemicals that can cause adverse reactions in the body. In the case of creams and ointments used for muscle pain there is also the issue of fragrances, which can cause allergy in people with rhinitis or more sensitive. Find out more in the articles: ” Know the main substances that should be avoided in cosmetics and hygiene products ” and ” What are medicines? Know the differences, types and how they act “.

But calm down: there is no reason to panic. Do not give up training for fear of any possible later muscle pain . We will help you to be persistent with this tip on how to make a home remedy for muscle pain without harmful chemicals.

Remedy for muscle pain


Half a cup of unrefined coconut oil or jojoba oil ;
Two teaspoons of beeswax;
From ten to twenty drops of essential oils – it depends on how strong you want your ointment to be. Mint, eucalyptus and tea tree oils are the most recommended for treating muscles ;
A container to store (you can reuse glass jars for this purpose).

Method of preparation

In a pan, heat the coconut oil and beeswax. It is recommended to use the water bath technique. Mix well – and don’t stop stirring! – until everything is well melted and uniform. Add the drops of essential oils – for stronger pains, we recommend increasing the amounts of mint oil. Keep stirring until everything is mixed and, still hot, pour the contents into the pot. Let the cream cool (you can even put it in the fridge). The cream will harden, but will become liquid on contact with the skin.

Despite being a homemade recipe with less chemicals, it is always good to start from little to little when using your medicine for muscle pain , in order to avoid a possible allergic reaction of the body to the substances. Spend some of the medicine in a small area and wait at least 20 minutes to test for any allergies.

Quick to be made, this home remedy for muscle pain has a texture close to an ointment or cream and can be stored for up to six months, provided it is kept in a dry and cool place. The remedy is effective against muscle pain and tension , as well as bruises and joint pain.

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